Start a Business vs Investing: Which is More Profitable?

Dive into the world of financial growth as we explore the intriguing comparison between starting a business and investing—unravel which path could lead you to greater profitability, with insights perfect for budding entrepreneurs and savvy investors alike.

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You are probably wondering if you should start a business – it may not be easy to manage a business; you have to start from scratch and build it up with many risks involved out there.

Investing your money can be tough, too, because you’re not sure how much return on investment (ROI) you’ll get.

The answer is that it depends on what kind of business or investment strategy you want to pursue. We’ve created this guide for entrepreneurs who are trying to figure out whether they should start a business or invest their money in something else like stocks or real estate.

So, let’s take a look at some reasons why you might want to start a business vs. invest your money!

Start a Business vs Investing: Side by Side Comparision

Factors to ConsiderStart a BusinessInvesting – Stock and Real Estate
Startup Capital Required$3,000 – $10,000+$1,000-$3,000
minimum open brokerage account
ROI – Return on Investment15-30% average10.5% real estate
Profit Margin %10% average
(5%-20% range)
(S & P 3-year benchmark)
Risk LevelModerate-HighExtremely High
Access to FundingEasier
(Bank loans, grants, and business partners)
(Primarily self-funded from savings, rarely with investors)
Long term growthMore Enduring
(Business can be sold, passed to the younger generation and assets used as collateral)
Less Enduring
(Little hard assets to sell or inherit – no equipment, inventory, or brand name trademark. The value is just the market price of stocks held)

Reasons to Start a Business vs. Investing

Business Has Less Risk

Starting a business of your own has less risk than investing money. If you start especially a small business, the worst thing that can happen is for it to fail, and if this does happen, then all of the work you put into starting up will be worth nothing, so there are no big losses involved with starting on your own!

In contrast, investing in something means someone else’s company could go bankrupt or not do well enough for them to give back what they promised. There would also be some other risks associated with investments and inflation, which may cause stocks and bonds prices to fall or rise too much (although these things have happened before).

Business Requires Less Startup Cost

Starting a business has fewer costs than investing money into something. When you start a company or start any other type of project on your own, there is no need for an office space that can cost $3000 per month like many companies require before they even give you some work (unless you’re willing to invest this much).

In contrast, if one invests their money into stocks, they would be required to pay upfront as well – sometimes more depending on the stock price! There will also be costs associated with hiring employees, which start-ups typically do not have to start with.

Investment May Be Less Profitable

Starting a business on your own can be more profitable than investing in something else. With starting off your own company, you’re able to start it up and keep all of the profits for yourself – meaning if you start earning $1000 per month, then that’s how much money will go into your pocket with minimal capital spending!

Investing means giving some or even most of those earnings away, which may start happening when one starts making a profit from their investments because they are handing over part of their company shares as well (and there is also someone who has control over what happens).

There is also always a risk involved with investing, meaning things could end up going downhill quickly, so make sure you think about this before investing your money.

Time Needed to Start a Business vs. Invest In Something

Starting a business takes less time than investing in something else. Investing your money typically means you have to start searching for stocks that are the best investment options and then start researching different companies to see what would be the best company to invest in – this could take days or even weeks!

For small business owners

A big business starts small.

-Richard Branson

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On the contrary, with starting up your own company, all it requires is a successful business idea which can come from anywhere like an article you read online, talking with friends about their start-ups, or asking yourself, “what do I think people need?”

Then after some thought comes brainstorming ideas that seem promising and start implementing those ideas into reality. This process usually only takes hours instead of months because this isn’t a massive project but just an experiment, so there’s no need for huge start-up capital.

Managing Business vs. Investment: Which One Is Easy?

Managing your own start-up business and managing an investment are poles apart.

However, investing is much more complex and requires a lot more time than running a start-up company. After you start investing in something, you’ll have to spend days or even weeks researching for the best company that will make the best return on your investment.

For start-ups, it may only take hours before you start making any money at all because start-ups are typically not as complicated as other investments.

“To be a successful business owner and investor, you have to be emotionally neutral to winning and losing. Winning and losing are just part of the game.” 

Robert Kiyosaki

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Wealth Building From Small Business vs. Stocks Investment

According to Smallbiztrend,

“40 percent of small businesses are profitable, 30 percent break even, and 30 percent are continually losing money.”

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you may be wondering whether it’s better to start a new business or invest your money. There are many different ways to make money with investments, and the potential rewards can be great for those who choose wisely.

However, if starting small business interests you, there are also some good reasons why now might be the best time to start.

Investing your money is a great way to grow wealth, but it’s not always easy for those who are just starting with their finances. When you start a small business and make wise financial decisions like investing in yourself or using an online savings account, then there is potential for higher returns on investment dollars than you would see from investing a lump sum of money in stocks.

There is never a one-size-fits-all answer for start-up costs, but with some careful planning and the right skill set, you can start your own business at any age or level of financial stability. You may also decide that beginning as an entrepreneur isn’t for you.

Capital Needed to Start a Business vs. Invest In Stocks

To Start a Business 

There are start-up costs for all types of businesses, and the amount of start-up capital needed to start a new small business can vary greatly.

The cost will depend on many factors, including what type of industry you’re in, how much inventory or equipment is required, and your geographic business location.

However, it’s also essential to keep in mind that start-up capital is only one of the start-up costs that you will incur. Other expenses like inventory, equipment, and advertising are considered when calculating start-up costs for a new business.

Some start-ups can have as little as $1000 required in start-up capital, but others may need between $25000-$100000 to get the business up and running.

According to recent research from financial platform Kabbage

“A third of small businesses get started with less than $5,000, and 58 percent got started with less than $25,000.”

To Invest In Stocks 

The start-up costs for investing your money are much lower than starting a new company, but there is still some risk involved. When you invest your capital into stocks, it doesn’t matter what type of industry or geographic location you’re in; start-up costs are only $500.

The reason that investing your money in stocks can be a good choice is that there’s no start-up capital required, and you could potentially see high returns on investment dollars if the stock goes up or becomes more profitable. However, it’s important to remember that all investments come with some risk; start-ups are no different.

It’s important to keep in mind that investing money is still an investment, and there are no guarantees. Even if you start a business, there is no guarantee that it will be successful or make enough money even to cover start-up costs in the first place.

For someone who has little capital and limited savings, then investing your money may not seem like a feasible option at all.

“I don’t look to jump over seven-foot bars; I look around for one-foot bars that I can step over.” 

— Warren Buffett

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Skills Needed to Start a Business or Invest In Stocks

To Start a Business 

Starting a new business requires some start-up capital and the right skill set, but it doesn’t require an advanced degree or any previous experience.

There are many different types of small businesses that can be started on a shoestring budget. You may even find your niche in one particular industry if you have a passion for your work.

Some start-up businesses have become huge successes thanks to some clever marketing and social media skills, but you may also need other important skills like accounting or web design if you’re running a more significant business.

The type of industry that your start-up is in will dictate the necessary skills needed for success, and it’s always best to start small and start with the skillsets you already have.

To Invest In Stocks 

When it comes to investing your money into stocks, there are a few different types of start-up costs, but unlike start-ups where capital is required, this type of investment doesn’t require any upfront cash outlay.

However, investing in stocks still requires a specific skillset with some start-up costs to get the ball rolling. You will need to understand how stock markets work and know what types of investments are out there for investors.

You may also have to pay for courses on investment strategies or private consultation from a finance expert (especially from someone having stocks knowledge) that can help you learn more about the industry. The starting cost for investing your money in getting stock knowledge is minimal, but there’s still a lot of work involved before you can make any returns on investment dollars. To be straightforward, in the stock investment greater the capital you invest higher the profit or loss you will get; therefore, having domain knowledge is essential regardless of which field you are in.

What’s Best for You: Start a Business vs. Investment

This article has provided a general overview of starting a business vs. investing. Whether you should start a business or invest your money depends on your life stage.

If you’re starting and want to learn more about doing it yourself, we offer consultation services that will help guide you through the process from an experienced entrepreneur’s perspective.

We also have information for those looking to expand their current company with additional resources by acquiring another firm. If this sounds like something you want help figuring out, don’t hesitate to reach out today!

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Start a Business vs Investing FAQs

  • That depends on your personal goals and plans. For example, if start-up capital is not a problem or you don’t mind risking start-up funds to get even more start-ups in the future but do not like investing for no return, then start a business!

    On the other hand, if you’re looking at investing as an opportunity for making money in the meantime and are willing to invest time, knowledge, and perhaps start-up costs of your own money, then investing should be preferable.

    To make it easier for people with fewer start-up investments to see high returns of investment dollars, then they can invest their money with inexpensive stocks online. A best practice is to start small and expand when you have enough initial investment funds stored away!

    However, stocks are not without risks, so start with a small investment of your own money and see what happens.

  • You might get into a start-up as a small business owner, and you also might start investing in stocks, funds, and cryptocurrency. If your goal is to make money, it doesn’t matter which road you take. However, if your goals are else-wise, like making the world a better place or doing something that’s going to improve the lives of others, then start a business would be a viable option for you!

  • For general purposes – power and water bills are all enough costs start with, but some businesses may have different expenses depending on their needs (e.g., running electricity all day long). A successful start of your business requires a marketing plan in place, especially since it is essential to market even if the start-up is small.

  • Starting a business from the ground up can take months and years of hard work. You will have to figure out marketing, operations, managing employees – the list goes on and on!

    If you’re looking for an easier way into entrepreneurship or want more time with your family, then buying someone else’s successful business may be suitable for you.

    The experience gained by owning a well-established company gives entrepreneurs greater insight into how their product is sold. They no longer need to spend countless hours researching this information themselves before making large investments like advertising campaigns that might not even succeed if done incorrectly without prior knowledge.

    It also means less risk-taking because there has already been conducting market research put behind what works best, so all it takes now is putting these ideas into action rather than start from scratch.

  • Trading is a stirring way to earn quick money. With that said, it can also quickly lead you down the path of big losses like gambling if not followed correctly.

    Investing usually means smaller short-term wins but with fewer severe losses. It takes more time than trading would take for your money to grow substantially in value – depending on what type of investment strategy you employ (e.g., buying stocks).

    If investing has always been something attractive to you because it’s less risky than other forms of investments such as day trading, then be sure that this lifestyle suits well enough for both your personality and financial interests before jumping head first into an opportunity without knowing all there is about how things work out beforehand!

  • It’s possible to start your own business with no start-up capital, but it will take a lot of time and patience.

    The first way is by entering into the start-up phase of entrepreneurship without any money at all, which means you’ll have to be very resourceful in getting what you need – whether it be materials for production or a place to start your business.

    With no start-up capital, you’ll have to do all the things needed for the start of your company, like you have to conduct market research – without having any money!

    The more money you can save up before starting your business will make life easier on you, but it will be hard but doable.

  • You start a business by coming up with an idea for something that people need or want. For instance, athletes have found a quick way to start their businesses through product creation- creating rings, water bottles, food items, start getting into real estate by investing in land property, etc.

    You can start a new business with these simple steps:

    1. The first step toward business ownership is to determine what your skills are and pick a skill that you enjoy doing. You don’t have to be good at it, but you should be interested in it- the success of your new business hinges on this first step.
    2. Plan business structure and decide on how you’re going to start, and if necessary, research more about it beforehand so you know how much you’d pay in taxes, personal liability, how much your money (or time) will be involved upfront before starting anything
    3. Make sure you start with a business plan and then do thorough market research along with the business location(if you are not planning for business online) to see if other businesses like yours have been successful.

  • Investing is a financial activity that takes place on the stock market and loans. Starting your own business means investing time, money, and energy into something that may or may not pay off. The business starts with an idea of how to provide goods or services to customers in exchange for money to be self-employed people working out of their homes or running a small business like a coffee shop.

  • Yes! Owning a business is investing. This is because when you start a business, you invest money into the start-up of your company.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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