12 Days Of Awesome Resources For Holiday Marketing

I’m going to confess that I absolutely love all things marketing. I love getting catalogs and promotions from my favorite companies in the mail. It has nothing to do with the offers they give, but more of my excitement to see how they are promoting their own “next best thing.”

To me good marketing is a mix of uniqueness and creativity with a promotional message attached. How these companies put these messages together has always been fascinating to me – especially during the holidays. It seems like these marketing teams are strategizing overtime to come out with something fun, compelling and unique, and honestly I’m never truly disappointed.

While larger retailers and big corporations have entire departments to do these actions, smaller businesses and freelancers have to rely on internal resources. When your days are already filled to the brim with things to do, considering adding another big task to your list may not seem overly enticing. However, this end of the year shopping mentality may not be something you can overlook.

Did you know that around a third of all shoppers do their Christmas shopping ten days before Christmas? Or that nearly six in ten holiday shoppers (59.9%) say they plan to take advantage of retailers’ sales and discounts to make additional non-gift purchases for themselves and their families during the holiday season?

Holiday marketing is an excellent way to bring in some extra sales to close out the year – and there’s nothing like ending the year off with a bang. To help get you started, I’ve searched the web for some of the best tips for a successful holiday marketing campaign. Below are twelve not-to-be-missed resources for making the most of this holiday season:

The Basics
If you’re strapped for time and can only read a few resources, these are the three you shouldn’t miss.

Social Media & Email Marketing
More likely than not, you’ll be using social media and email marketing to get your promotions and marketing message out there. This group of resources will help you do it right.

Trends & More
Get an extra advantage by following what you know works. These resources provide helpful insights into the minds of holiday consumers and offer ideas and tips on how to stand out from the crowd and actually have your message seen.

Jennifer Good writes on many topics related to content marketing, social media, leadership & productivity for leading publications. You can also find her at JenniferGood.com.

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