Take Steps to Prevent Arson

Many cases of arson are preventable. There are a number of preventive measures that business owners can take, including:

  • Install a quality burglar and fire alarm system.
  • Strengthen your doors and windows to keep arsonists, thieves and vandals out.
  • Outer fences, walls and gates should be high and strong.
  • Use quality locks and padlocks.
  • The gaps under doors should be as small as possible.
  • Stored materials should not be stacked outside where they could be set on fire.
  • Report suspicious activity to the police.
  • Join and participate in a local Business Watch.
  • Perform a regular “End of Day” checklist.
  • Secure the building, office, or store, locking all doors and windows.
  • Set burglar and fire alarm system.
  • Ensure that outside lights are turned on to illuminate property.
  • Ensure that dumpsters are padlocked.
  • Ensure that all flammable liquids and material are safely stored in an approved storage area.

Small business owners should make a special effort to protect their property, employees, customers, and themselves from arson.

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