Customer Service Tips And Techniques

It costs much less to keep existing customers than find new ones. So why do customers leave? Often, it’s because of a lack of attention to plain old customer service.

We all know the story… it costs 5 times as much to bring in a new customer, than to keep an existing one. When people become your customer, they want to be loyal. So, why do they leave? Most of the time, they leave because of small oversights and lack of attention to plain, old customer service.

When customers call on the phone, we are provided with a tremendous opportunity to reinforce and grow the relationship. It makes good (economic) sense to take the extra time and effort to make these calls as meaningful and service oriented as possible. Attention to customer service will go a long way in helping you to satisfy your customers and make them feel as if they are truly special.

1. Always tell your customer what you CAN do for them. Don’t begin your conversation by telling them what you CAN’T do.

2. Allow irate customers to vent. Do not interrupt them or start to speak until they have finished having their say.

3. Diffuse anger by saying “I’m sorry or “I apologize.”

4. Use your customer’s name at different points in the call.

5. Make certain that your “solution” to the customer’s problem is acceptable to them. Get their approval and agreement.

6. Always conclude each call with a “Thank you” or a verbal message of appreciation for their business.

7. Make certain that your tone of voice is in sync with your words. Remember, your tone of voice can completely contradict your message.

8. Listen attentively! There is nothing worse than asking an irate or troubled customer to REPEAT what they have just said.

9. Go the extra step by following up on your solution. Re-contact the customer to make certain that everything has been handled in a satisfactory manner, and they are pleased with the outcome.

10. Remember to ask if there is anything else that you can do for your customer. Taking the time to ask the question often results in increased business and a more committed customer.

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