35 Things To Do When You Have An Extra 15 Minutes

In the midst of a busy work day there are always a few moments in the day where you are spared that “extra” fifteen minutes. Situations when a client is running a few minutes late or you finish a meeting a few minutes early. Most of the time, we use these few spare minutes as a break, however, these are occasions that we can use to boost productivity without even breaking a sweat. For some ideas of what you can do with your extra fifteen minutes, see below.


  • Respond to email
  • Organize your desk
  • Plan your next day
  • Send a thank you email to someone
  • Call a co-worker or client you haven’t talked to in a while
  • Pay bills online
  • Update your calendar

Content Marketing

  • Research blog post topics
  • Research a blog post
  • Analyze your Google stats
  • Write a newsletter
  • Send a newsletter
  • Comment on blog posts you’ve read

Social Media

  • Gather stats or facts to tweet or post on Facebook
  • Gather related quotes to tweet or post on Facebook
  • Pin a few items on Pinterest
  • Respond to LinkedIN invitation requests
  • Send LinkedIN invitation requests
  • Respond to LinkedIN Answers questions
  • Schedule posts to Twitter and/or Facebook
  • Respond to posts on Twitter and/or Facebook
  • Update your social media profiles
  • Search for images to use on social media sites

Online Reputation Management

  • Browse review sites for news about your company
  • Search social media sites for posts about your company
  • Respond to bad or good reviews on social media sites


  • Read a blog post
  • Read a chapter in a business related book
  • Learn something new about updating your website
  • Join a related work group online such as Facebook Groups or LinkedIN Groups
  • Interact with a related work group online

Computer Related

  • Upgrade software
  • Organize your computer files
  • Go through your apps and remove programs you don’t use
  • Update your address book

What do you do when faced with extra time between tasks or meetings? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Jennifer Good writes on many topics related to content marketing, social media, leadership & productivity for leading publications. You can also find her at JenniferGood.com.

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