Preparing for Disaster

The hurricane season is upon us once again, and with it come warnings to prepare our homes and businesses. But hurricanes aren’t the only disasters that can strike. Here are things you should keep in mind when making preparations.

Over the years, I’ve followed news accounts of devastating tornadoes, floods, and wildfires in different parts of the country. I’ve been thankful that I live in Philadelphia, where we rarely see such natural disasters.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) reports that it stands ready to help communities recover in the aftermath of a disaster. According to the SBA, following the Gulf Coast Hurricanes of 2005, they approved more than $5 billion in disaster loans to 102,700 homeowners and renters. They also approved $1.6 billion in disaster loans to area businesses.

Disasters occur in all seasons and in all places, so I’d like to share the SBA’s disaster preparedness ideas for homes and businesses:

  • Your home or business plan should include an evacuation route to an established meeting area.
  • Ensure that all family members and employees know and understand your plan beforehand. (Often, a disaster strikes without much warning.)
  • Keep your emergency telephone numbers handy. Business owners should designate a contact person to communicate with other employees, customers, and vendors.
  • Ask an out-of-state friend or family member to be your “post-disaster” point of contact. This person can be the person to call to provide information on your safety and whereabouts.

Make sure you have insurance coverage

The SBA recommends that you have adequate insurance. Disaster preparedness begins with having, at the very least, enough insurance to rebuild your home or business. Homeowners and business owners should review their policies to see what is and what isn’t covered. Businesses should consider “business interruption insurance,” which helps cover operating costs during the post-disaster shutdown period. Flood insurance is essential. (To find out more about the National Flood Insurance Program, go to

Copy documents

The SBA recommends that you make copies of your important documents. It’s a good idea to back up vital records and information saved on computer hard drives and store that information at a distant offsite location. You can store your copies of documents and CDs in fire-proof safe deposit boxes offsite.

Remember that it’s vital to protect your windows, doors, and roofing. Install impact-resistant window and door systems, or simply install plywood shutters before a storm hits your area. Hire a professional to evaluate your roof to ensure that it can weather a major storm.

Have a disaster survival kit

You should also have on hand a “Disaster Survival Kit,” which consists of the following:

  • Flashlight
  • Portable radio
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Non-perishable packaged and canned food
  • Bottled water
  • Basic tool kit
  • Plastic bags
  • Cash

As I learned in the Navy and my many years coordinating security and safety programs for the Defense Department, it pays to have a disaster plan. It also pays for everyone to know the plan, and be able to act according to the plan, if and when a disaster happens to strike.

You can learn more about developing a disaster plan by visiting

By Paul Davis

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