Ekaterina Trofimova story – eeTeaching brand

I’ve been teaching English since 2002 at universities and language courses, e.g. BKC-IH (Moscow). In 2002, I graduated from Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. In 2007, I got a Cambridge Certificate for Teaching English to Adults (Cambridge CELTA).
I am a big fan of my job. I’ll be happy to guide you through the amazing world of the English language.

Ekaterina Trofimova


English language school


What design products did you need?

I needed a cheap but high-quality logo

What did you like about ZenBusiness?

I’ve browsed through multiple websites but with no result. All of them offered poor-quality logo templates that had nothing attractive about them. I was lucky to come across ZenBusiness! I got a stylish memorable logo that I like a lot. I’m considering getting other designs, too.

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