Patrick Andrey story – Kréyôl Majestik Senfonik brand

The story of Patrick Andrey Mitram and Luc Bouhaben – Le Kréyôl Majestik Senfonik
For the first time in the history of Caribbean music, Le Kreyol Majestik Senfonik introduces the Caribbean mazurka in symphonic writing.
Patrick Andrey Mitram, the composer, joins forces with conductor Luc Bouhaben to highlight this musical genre linked to traditional music. 50 classical musicians rose to the challenge of performing original scores.

Patrick Andrey


Classical music


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I appreciated the tools put at my service to create a personalized logo. I didn’t know where to go and ZenBusiness made it possible. It is obvious that your platform will make the happiness of all the people wishing to give a visual identification to their institutions. Thanks to you, the “”Kréyôl Majestik Senfonik”” symphonic orchestra has a visual identity.

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