If you’re interested in creating a DBA name for your Florida business, then use our step-by-step guide. While we don’t currently offer DBA registration services in Florida, we can help you with starting a business. Get started below.
If you’re an entrepreneur in Florida, you may not wish to use your business’s full legal name for all of your company’s activities. If so, a “doing business as” (DBA) name could be a helpful branding tool, allowing you to conduct your small business under a different title. Follow the steps below if you’re interested in creating a DBA name for your Florida business.
A “doing business as” (DBA) name, also called a “fictitious name” in Florida, is an alternative name that a sole proprietor or other business entity may use in the course of doing business. But to remain compliant with state laws, you are required to register any fictitious names with the state of Florida.
Although we currently don’t support Florida DBA registration, this guide will help you learn everything there is to know about choosing a fictitious name, associated state laws and statutes, and how to file and renew your fictitious name as needed.
DBA names go by several different names, depending on which state you’re located. Some places simply refer to them as is, while others might call them “assumed names” or “trade names.” In Florida, they are referred to as “fictitious names.”
A DBA name is simply an alternative name for your business. If you wish to do business under a name other than the one you registered your business with, you will need to register your fictitious name — even if the only difference between your DBA name and business name is the leaving off of a designator or something similar.
There are primarily two categories that businesses seeking DBA names fall into:
It’s important to note that registering a DBA name is not the same as registering a business. A DBA name is not a business type, and it does not change your business’s tax structure in any way. It also does not establish copyright or trademark. In fact, in Florida, registering a DBA name doesn’t even prevent anyone else from using the same name. However, there are several benefits that come with using a DBA name, such as:
The process for registering a DBA name, or fictitious name, in Florida is handled through the Florida Department of State’s Division of Corporations website, also known as Sunbiz.org. A form may be completed online or via paper and mailed with the associated filing fee.
Among the information needed to fill out the form are the chosen fictitious name, the business address, the principal county of business, and the names and addresses of owners.
Prior to registering, you must advertise the name at least once in a newspaper located in the county where your principal business is located. No proof needs to be submitted, but you will certify that this has been done during the registration process. You can find specific publication instructions in the statutes.
There are many factors to consider when choosing a fictitious name. A good name should be memorable, encapsulate the essence of your business neatly, and remain compliant with state laws.
It’s also a good idea to do a search and see if the name you want is already in use. You can search existing fictitious names in Florida on the Division of Corporations website.
To comply with Florida naming laws, your fictitious name cannot include words or abbreviations that suggest it is a business type other than the one it is registered as. For example, if your business is an Florida LLC, you cannot include the word “Corporation” in your fictitious name.
It is important to make sure you maintain legal compliance for businesses using fictitious names in Florida. Remember to comply with the advertisement requirement before registering your DBA name. Florida requires that you advertise your fictitious name registration in a local newspaper at least once in the county where you will primarily conduct your business.
Your initial fictitious name registration is good for five years, after which point it expires on Dec. 31 of the fifth year and must be renewed. Renewal may be done online through Sunbiz.org or via mail and must accompany a $50 renewal fee.
If you wish to make changes to your fictitious name registration, you can do so by using a cancellation/re-registration form and paying a $50 fee. This particular form can only be submitted by mail.
While we don’t currently support DBA registration in Florida, we can help you create one in states we do support, including: Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas and Utah. We can make creating a DBA name in another state simple.
Fees are subject to change, so check the state page to make sure you have the most up to date fee schedule for registering a DBA in the state.
Processing times can vary and are dependent on whether you file online or by mail. If you file online, you can expect to receive confirmation within 24 hours that your filing has been accepted. If you file by mail, you will need to allow for additional time for your paperwork to reach the Division of Corporations office, be processed, and for them to mail confirmation back to you.
As a general rule, filing online is faster.
No, DBA names are not strictly required unless you are doing business under a name other than the business’s legal name. When you register your business with the state, you will indicate a chosen name at that time on the associated paperwork. However, business names are often required to include type-designators, such as “LLC” for limited liability companies or “Corp.” for corporations. These designators are a legal part of your official business name. If you want to do business under a shorter version of your official name with the designator dropped, you are required to file a DBA name for the modified version of the name.
Sole proprietorships or partnerships are not required to register with the state to conduct business. However, if one of these is your business type and you’d like to do business under a name different from your personal name, you will need to file a DBA name.
Yes. Filing a DBA name “does not grant you ownership or rights to the name; or prohibit someone else from using or registering the same fictitious name.”
There is no limit to how many DBA names a business may have. It’s not uncommon for some businesses to have several. For example, consider a clothing design business that may want to market their children’s clothing line under a different name from their women’s line and so on. DBA names can be very useful to distinguish different portions of your business and keep those parts separate from each other.
As a sole proprietor, while you are free to conduct business under your legal name, this isn’t always the best option. Suppose you want to open a bookstore — would you like your personal name to be on the front of the shop as the store’s title? Many sole proprietors desire a separate name for their business for obvious reasons. Registering a DBA name is a way to make this happen.
No. A DBA name is nothing more than an alternative name for your business. It does not establish a business type or entity. As such, it has no effect on how your business is taxed at the state, local, or federal level. That is determined by your registered business type and associated laws.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.
Florida Business Resources
Most Popular States to Get a DBA Name
When it comes to compliance, costs, and other factors, these are popular states for filing a DBA.
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