Get Business Licenses and Permits in Kansas

Navigate Kansas business licenses and permits seamlessly. Our business license report can help you determine what licenses and permits you need to start a business in Kansas.

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You’ve decided to take your great idea and enter the world of entrepreneurship. Starting your new business can be exciting and rewarding. But as you set out on this journey, it’s important to have all your pieces in place to ensure you are compliant with all regulations for your industry and location. Let’s walk through the kinds of licenses and permits you might need for your Kansas business and how our Business License Report service can help you get it done easily.

What is a business license?

Most businesses require licenses and permits to conduct business or specific activities related to the business. These can be issues at the federal, state, or local level depending on what your business does and where the activities occur. 

How to get your Kansas business licenses and permits

Step 1: Search for any necessary Kansas general business licenses

Some states require a general or privilege business license for all businesses operating in the state. However, Kansas doesn’t have a state-mandated business license. Whether you are a corporation, Kansas LLC, or another form of business, there’s no central place to find out exactly what Kansas state business licenses and permits are required for your enterprise. Be prepared for hours of internet searches and calling various agencies to figure out what you need. Or, you can use our Business License Report Service. 

Understand that registering your business and obtaining a business license isn’t the same thing. These two concepts are often confused. Registering your business is the act of submitting formation documents to the Kansas Secretary of State. This effectively creates your business entity. Obtaining necessary licensure occurs after formation, once you have determined exactly what you are going to be doing and where. 

Step 2: Obtain applicable federal licenses for your Kansas business

Business license requirements are found at all levels of government. Starting at the top, check this list to find out more about the industries that are regulated at the federal level, and determine if your Kansas business fits into one of these categories. 

  • Alcoholic Beverages or Tobacco: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 
  • Fish and Wildlife: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Commercial Fisheries: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service 
  • Ammunition, Firearms, and Explosives: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives regulates 
  • Radio and Television Broadcasting: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
  • Maritime Transportation: Federal Maritime Commission 
  • Nuclear Energy: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
  • Mining and Drilling: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement 
  • Agriculture (Plants and Animals): U.S. Department of Agriculture 
  • Aviation: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 

Contact each agency directly for more information.

Step 3: Check for Kansas permits and licenses

There are also a number of licenses and permits issued at the state level. Many of these are specific to the type of activities your business conducts. The state has a comprehensive list of the most common Kansas state business licenses and permits on its website. Here are some examples: 

  • Food Service Establishment License 
  • Air Operating Permits
  • Hazardous Waste Permit
  • Scrap Metal Dealer License
  • Cereal Malt Beverage Sellers License

These are only a few examples. Check the comprehensive list mentioned above to see if your company has any state-level licensure requirements.

Step 4: Check with the city or county for local licensing in Kansas

There are 105 cities in Kansas and 627 incorporated municipalities. Each one of these could have different Kansas license and permit requirements. It’s important to check requirements with the county and municipality where you operate your business. Consider starting with the county clerk’s office and local tax office. 

Step 5: Search for applicable Kansas professional licenses

A professional license is a license that generally requires specific education to obtain, such as going to medical school or taking the required classes to receive your contractor’s license. This makes sense because you wouldn’t want your contractor attempting to transplant a kidney, or your doctor trying to build your house. Some of these licensed professions include:

  • Chiropractic medicine
  • Attorney
  • Cosmetology
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Architecture
  • Real estate
  • Body art
  • Dentistry
  • Social work

Professional licenses are generally granted by a state licensing board specific to the profession.

Step 6: Obtain any other necessary Kansas business licenses and permits

Depending on what your business does, you may need a number of other Kansas business licenses and permits. Someone who runs a childcare facility will have very different permitting requirements than someone who processes meat. Here are a few general Kansas business licenses and permits:

  • City business licenses and tax permits
  • Environmental permits
  • Building permits
  • Zoning
  • Vendor license
  • Health permits
  • Signage permits
  • Seller and reseller permits
  • Alarm permits

If you think any of these may apply to your business, be sure to check your licensing requirements. 

Step 7: Apply for Kansas home-based business licenses

Kansas home-based businesses are licensed at the local level. Some counties have multiple types of licenses available for home-based businesses. Most counties require that the primary use of the location is residential. Other regulations may speak to signage, staff, hours, equipment, and more. 

Step 8: Maintain your Kansas licensing

Most Kansas business licenses and permits need to be renewed periodically. The renewal period could be annual, every few years, or every event. Failing to obtain or maintain licenses could result in additional fees, penalties, or an inability to conduct business in your area or state. 

We are here to help with your Kansas business needs

Starting a business is hard enough without having to worry about all of the paperwork. Ensuring that you have all the necessary licenses and permits at the federal, state, and local levels is time-consuming at best and excruciating at worst. Just breathe. We can help. Our Business License Report Service uses pertinent information about your Kansas business to obtain a list of the licenses and permits required for your specific business. 
Keep up with this and all your other compliance needs using our Worry-Free Compliance Service. Stop stressing about deadlines and focus on what you do best. Running your business.

Kansas Licenses and Permits FAQs

  • There’s no general state of Kansas business license, however, many cities require businesses to be licensed to legally operate.

  • You need to get a sales tax permit in the state of Kansas if you have a physical presence in the state and make $100,000 or more in sales during a calendar year.

  • Yes. You may run a home-based business in Kansas.

  • Online businesses need to collect sales tax so they must obtain a sales tax permit and any industry-related licenses.

  • Yes.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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