We’ve compiled the most common fees associated with forming an LLC in Delaware.
In addition to the $160
initial fee, there are other fees to consider when you start an LLC in Delaware.
LLCs are required to file and pay a $300 franchise tax every year. You can pay this fee online, and it needs to be submitted by June 1 to avoid late fees.
Every Delaware LLC is required to have a registered agent. You can act as your own registered agent for free, or you can have someone serve as your registered agent.
Our Delaware registered agent services make it easy for you. We’ll serve as your registered agent and handle any requirements without any work from you.
A certificate of good standing, which has different names in other states, ensures that your LLC is in good standing with the state. It builds confidence with customers and may be required by banks to open business bank accounts or by lenders.
The cost of a certificate of good standing in Delaware is $50.
Not quite ready to open your LLC? If you have your dream name already in mind, you can reserve the business name for a fee of $75. This will reserve your name for up to 120 days.
Failure to pay required fees means that you aren’t compliant and can’t receive a Certificate of Existence.
You may get slapped with penalties and be unable to obtain a Certificate of Existence when you need one.
The Delaware Division of Corporations receives your payments.
Fees depend on the type of business and documentation required.
Pay online using ACH Checking or Savings account or charging a Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover card. Send a check if submitting by mail.
Dover Office: 401 Federal St., Suite 4 Dover, DE 19901 | Wilmington Office: 820 N. French St., 10th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 |
Telephone -Dover: (302) 739-4111 | Telephone -Wilmington: (302) 577-8767 |
Running a legal business entity in Delaware doesn’t have to be complicated. We’re here to guide you. We’ll help you launch, start and run your new LLC.
Our experts will help you file and avoid costly mistakes and penalties. We also offer endless amounts of business resources to help your LLC succeed in Delaware.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.
Written by Team ZenBusiness
ZenBusiness has helped people start, run, and grow over 700,000 dream companies. The editorial team at ZenBusiness has over 20 years of collective small business publishing experience and is composed of business formation experts who are dedicated to empowering and educating entrepreneurs about owning a company.
LLC Cost by State
Start an LLC in Your State
When it comes to compliance, costs, and other factors, these are popular states for forming an LLC.
Ready to Start Your LLC?
Start Your LLC in Delaware